Have been looking for simple way to svn commit only modified files via command line for long time. Finally i manage to find a simple solution with just 2 line command and it will be able to commit any type of file status as you like.
To SVN commit the only modified files via command line, follow the steps below:-
- First we need to list out all the modified files
$ svn st | grep "M " | cut -c 8- > modified.txt
** Change the M to other status and you will be able to commit other status
- Now open the modified.txt file and check if the path and files are correct. If the exported file path is broken then you may change the number “8” to other number to fix the exported path.
- Once the path is correct, you may commit thru the modified file
$ svn commit -m "commit only modified files" --targets modified.txt
Happy svn!
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this worked for me too
This worked for me too.
svn status | cut -c 8- | svn commit -m “hello I did a commit”