A friend need to send email from different address via Gmail. He have many email address and need once place for him to send email from different address. So he ask me is there is anyway to send email from different address in GMail.
By default, Gmail allow you to send email using different address, but need some verification before you can send from different address.
To send email using different address in Gmail, follow the steps below:-
- Login to your GMail account, go to Settings -> Account tab
- Under “Send email as” click on “Add another email address you own”
- Pop up window appear, fill in your Name and email address and Click “Next Step”
- Now Gmail will need your verification, click on “Send Verification” button
- Login to your other email account and wait for Google verification email, and you will see a verification code in the email, copy and paste to the textbox and click “Verify”
- Now, click on “Compose Email”, you will see a list of different from address for you to choose
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JJ, login to your Gmail -> Settings -> Account and Import -> Click on “Edit Info” besides your JJ@spark.com -> Pop up will appear -> Click on Specify a different “reply-to” address, and put your JJ@spark.com.
But when people receive your email in Outlook, it says JJ@spark.com via 00michaels00@gmail.com. So they see it come from address cia another. How do you correct that?
I tried to run it through my server , but kept saying my port was wrong or could not contact my server