For those who are using Yahoo Messenger 7.5 or 8.0,
you will notice there is a little ads box at the bottom of your main window.
To remove the yahoo messenger ads, follow the steps below:-
Step 1:
Create a file with extension .reg with the content below:-
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\YUrl] "Messenger Ad"="*" "Change Room Banner"="*" "Chat Adurl"="*" "Conf Adurl"="*" "Webcam Upload Ad"="*" "Webcam Viewer Ad"="*" "Webcam Viewer Ad Bid"="*" "Webcam Viewer Ad Medium"="*"
Step 2:
Double click the file you just created to update the Window Registry.
Step 3:
Restart your Yahoo Messenger and the ads should have removed.
[tags]Yahoo messenger, Yahoo, messenger, instant messenger, ads, remove ads, ads removal[/tags]
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Right click on the ad box and ad it to your “anti-banner” function in your virus protection program and its gone.
I am looking for the sam info as Venus, has anybody figure out how to remove the connections?
this is quite annoying .. i really wanted to remove my connection to my yahoo messenger…. but there is no details how i can remove it … please help me.. it is quite annoying that if you click the invitation for connection.. in all of ur friend in yahoo messenger will show that you r connected to that perosn…. i want to remove my connection
it doesn’t work on final version, 9 😐
Modifying “enable messenger ad” in the registry for messenger 9.0 does not work. It seems that they have found a work around for this in their latest version. Does anybody have any other ideas?
To remove and disable ads display on Yahoo Messenger 9, follow the trick below:
1.Run Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
2.Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\pager\Locale
3.In the right pane, locate a value named Enable Messenger
4.Ad with default value as 1. Set the value to 0.
5.Restart Yahoo! Messenger 9.0.
The ads will be disappeared from Yahoo Messenger after restarting.
This fix does not remove the banner on version
The yahoo fix doesn’t seem to fix the latest version.. / I was so hoping..