Posts tagged with ‘jquery’

jQuery: How to refresh select box


jquery2nd time searching for how to refresh select box using javascript / jquery. I’ve found the solution previously but the code is hidden somewhere else… grrr… Just a note for myself to refer how to refresh select box using javascript / jquery. Hope this helps u too!

To refresh select box using jQuery, refer to the code below:-

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Easy to use jQuery Lightbox – Fancybox


jqueryRecently I’m busy doing an appointment booking system and i need to use JavaScript lightbox in some section. As u know there are plenty of jQuery lightbox plugin around, and i need to choose the most stable and easy to use lightbox plugin for my system. After some testing, i find that Fancybox suit my need and it’s so easy to use, of course it’s flexible too.

To implement this Fancybox jQuery lightbox plugin, you just need to include 3 files:-

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