If you using network folder or printer, your might encounter some scenario that you might want to logout from the current connected network and reconnect again. This might due to change of user privileges from the connected server, reconnect to the same network folder using different user or etc. I just encounter the change of user privileges from server and it get me more than an hour to figure our how to logout from network share. To benefit everyone, i’ve document down the solution here.
WordPress Custom Taxonomy Pagination show 404 page not found error

Recently i’ve a custom WordPress development, it involve quite a number of custom taxonomy and custom post types. If you are familiar with custom taxonomy and post types, most probably you might write your own WPQuery to do custom search and filter and i’m also one of them. Everything is good until i test the custom taxonomy pagination. First listing page for the custom taxonomy is still fine, but when i try to click on page 2, then it show 404 page not found error. Spent hours of time in google and stack overflow, finally i manage to solve the issue.
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Woocommerce: send email to admin when new order place (pending payment)

Many people ask me about how to send email notification to admin when new order is placed. By default, woocommerce only send out email when order payment is completed. But… thanks to Woocommerce team, they provide a lot of hooks to ease developer’s work. So we utilize the hook to do what we want.
Below is the code sample to send email notification to admin when new order is placed:-
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